Workplace wellness

Corporate Training
Living Well Therapies offers employee and management trainings in evidence-based Mind-Body Medicine. We teach Mindfulness, Breathing and Movement through a system of holistic self-care techniques that have been refined for centuries in the East, and proven effective by hard science in the West. Our training is designed to develop self-awareness, self-confidence and self-responsibility in every participant. Evolving at their own unique pace, each individual learns to activate their body’s natural ability and instinctual intelligence for self-healing.
Invest in the future financial health of your company.
Continue to pay for HEALTH CARE or pay less for HEALTH. The first is an expense, the second is an investment. In today’s workplace, self-care is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Stress, payroll and insurance premiums are facts of modern business. The well-being for any group, family, community, team, or company is tied directly to the well-being of each individual in the group and the group as a whole. Your people are the common denominator. To improve your return on payroll, profits, and your bottom line, the smart choice is to actively facilitate opportunities for your employees to improve themselves.
Interested in Leveling Up your company? Contact us and schedule your training today:
At Living Well Therapies, we go far beyond the typical training and intervention that starts off helpful, but unfortunately stops short of lasting improvement. We facilitate an organic, internally evolving culture of health, self-responsibility and teamwork. The result is an artfully facilitated and organically evolving culture of employees that actively and willingly participate in improving their own well-being, and by extension, the well-being of your company or organization.


I would use it in difficult situations, or maybe just to relax yourself at home.
Corporate Training Participant
Mind-Body Medicine skills are accessible to everyone
Mind-Body Medicine skills are sustainable, improve over time and can be easily adapted within the work place. The use of Mind-Body Medicine skills on a daily basis is part of the culture of health that we help to develop organically within your company. Since 2007, our mission and the foundation of our evolving success, has rested entirely on our ability to empower our clients to access the innate ability they have within themselves to reduce stress, heal themselves and improve the quality of their own lives.

Dr. David L.
Head of School
“I was able to adjust my tone and slow my pace when talking to the public and I am getting better results.”
- Workplace Training Participant
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